Friday, 8 April 2011

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole

Stepping off the 100-foot pole can be as simple as paying attention, truly investigating reality.  It may mean really listening to ourselves and those around us. Sometimes this means inquiring deeply about our feelings and emotions.  Sometimes it means being open to a friend or teacher; being willing to be open to the perceptions and perspectives of our friends and teachers.
Destructive emotions can be summarized by five negative emotions
And jealousy. 

The more you examine, the deeper you look into the source of the human mind, the more these emotions appear, and the more they fade and disappear.  At the core of these destructive emotions is actually a core of clarity, and brilliance, something not in any way harmful.

 I step from the top of a 100-foot pole by being more open, accepting and loving of the other person. By more kind to other people , sharing and risk taking; I have the courage and skill to take these actions because through my meditation practice i have a taste of impermanence and a taste of emptiness, you come to know that everything is empty of being separate.

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