Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Lovely Mother city

A friend’s party and family do has driven me to return to Eastern Cape  and despite my worries, things are touchwood okay. In fact, I have a strange yearning to be back in Qumbu, something I never thought would happen! The silence however is slightly uncomfortable because in halls there is always something going on! The differences are amazing: the freedom to do whatever whenever, but against not having to lock a door whenever you leave a room; not having to wash up the second you’ve finished eating and more importantly toilet roll in the bathroom! Looking around my room it’s amazing the difference 5 weeks has had: I’ve spoken to perhaps 5 of the people in pictures on my walls and not really thought about them, and then there’s the list of things I need to take back to Mjikweni with a list of names and 5 weeks ago I’d never met these people, but now these are important people to me. I call these people friends. The place I live most of the time is Cape Town where I made lots of friends and here I am thinking I was even born here, the Mother city is blowing my mind away.

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