Friday, 11 November 2011

How hard is it to follow instructions?

Seriously it seems like it is the hardest thing in the world. You put up signs or have some rules and people just do what they want with no regard for anything. Oh a school zone 20mph...let me go 45 because I can and who cares I am so cool I don't have to do what anyone tells me.

When i was 13 i got run over by a car in a school zone almost tore my left leg off below the knee, the lady was going about 50 mph i was on a bike, yes i get mad when some butt wipe will not go by the rules and i will go out of my way to make their life hell while they are near me. If you're telling me how to do something or how to get somewhere I can follow directions, but if it's just arbitrary "these are the rules because so and so said" I don't pay attention. I could, but I won't. think it all depends on what the "directions" are and who created/established them. If one doesn't respect the source of them, or the reason behind them, then the likliness of them being followed is low.
 It's sort of like following a recipe for a cake.
The recipe calls for 2 tbs of butter - you lend the recipe to a friend. They make the cake but it does not come out very well and they wonder why! Upon questionning I discovered the friend had used margarine instead of butter. But life's like that! Some people just never learn.

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